20th World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (WFUMB) May 29-June 1, 2025

20th World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (WFUMB)
日期: 2025年5月29日-6月1日
地點:  Kyoto International Conference Center (ICC Kyoto) 京都, 日本
截稿日期: 2024年12月18日 2025年1月6日
網址: https://site.convention.co.jp/wfumb2025/abstract/   

WFUMB 2025 將於大會期問舉辦Young Investigator's Award, 條件
1. 投稿 WFUMB 2025 並以口頭報告方式發第一作者表原著論文
2. 年紀在40歲以下 或不超過住院醫師第5年
3. 為AFSUMB 會員國之會員 (本學會是會員國)
WFUMB 2025 提供YIA之獲獎人獎金補助, 及免註冊費,
若您有合適的人選, 敬請於1月23日前通知學會, 並請申請者提出一列相關的資料
1. name
3. e-mail address
4.the title of the presentation.

Dear AFSUMB Members,

Many thanks for submitting many abstracts for presentation in WFUMB 2025. Finally, we received more than 2000 abstracts in total.

We are pleased to inform you of WFUMB Young Investigator’s Award (YIA).
One candidate nominated from AFSUMB will speak his/her presentation at the YIA session (June 1st, 2025) in WFUMB2025.
We shall select the candidate among AFSUMB young members who submitted abstracts as a FIRST AUTHOR (original paper) to WFUMB 2025. For selection of an AFSUMB candidate, please recommend one or two young investigators who submitted abstracts from each affiliated society until February 3rd, 2025, including his/her name, institution, e-mail address and the title of the presentation.
The candidate should be a young member under 40 years of age. WFUMB shall make available up to 2,000 USD to support the candidates cost of economy travel and reasonable accommodation expenses, and shall offer the candidate free registration. Please ensure that all are members of AFSUMB affiliated societies.
WFUMB Young Investigator’s Award
ü The WFUMB Young Investigator’s Award is considered for work in the field of clinical and/or basic research. The award is available for an original paper, presented at a WFUMB Congress.
ü One or two prizes totalling 2,000 USD shall be awarded. The granting of any award(s) is at the absolute discretion of WFUMB. The judges may offer a prize to the best clinical and to the best technical presentation, where appropriate, and divide the prize money.
ü WFUMB shall make available up to 2,000 USD to support the candidates cost of economy travel and reasonable accommodation expenses, supported by receipts.
ü The selected candidates shall be offered free registration by the congress organisers.
ü Applicants must beunder 40 years of age(at the opening date of the Congress) or no more than 5 years post residency. The applicants must be paid up members of their Federation and shall not have previously won the Young Investigator’s Award.

Early: March 3, 2025 noon(Japan time) - April 30, 2025, 23:59 (Japan time)
Regular/Onsite: May 1, 2025 (Japan time) - June 1, 2025 (Japan time)
Category Early Regular/Onsite
WFUMB members 40,000 JP Yen 55,000 JP Yen
WFUMB members (Sonographer) 30,000 JP Yen 40,000 JP Yen
Non members 45,000 JP Yen 60,000 JP Yen
Non members (Sonographer) 35,000 JP Yen 40,000 JP Yen
Fellow in training (Residents) *1 10,000 JP Yen  
Student undergraduate*2/Graduate school students*2 5,000 JP Yen  
*1 A certificate is required to be signed by the head of department or institution and to be submitted to the registeration desk.
*2 A copy of the student identification card is required to be submitted to the registration desk.

若會員您投稿參加WFUMB 2025京都會議, 敬請您email通知學會, 屆時若有任聯絡事宜, 都會通知您.
