
日期 2023.04.26

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2011年年會 10月22-23日 臺大醫學院基礎醫學大樓
組別 項目 名次 題目
小兒科+小兒內分泌 原著論文 第一名 Pediatric Chest Sonography in Lobar Pneumonia with Empyema ---With Emphasis on Real Time Dynamics
Chia-Wan Tang, Yong-Fong Hwang, Ming-Fan Chen, Kai-Sheng Hsieh
Kaoshiung Veteran’s General Hospital, Taiwan
病例報告 第一名 Non-invasive Total Obliteration of A Giant Femoral Artery Pseudoaneurysm After Cardiac Catheterization by Sono-guided Staged Manual Plus Mechanical Compression
Chu-Chuan Lin, Kai-Sheng Hsieh
Dept. of Pediatrics, Veterans General Hospital, Kaohsiung
第二名 Parathyroid Adenoma in A Child Presented with Repetitive Urolithiasis
Pei-Yu Lee, Teng-Fu Tsao, Yeu-Sheng Tyan
School of Medical Imaging and Radiological Sciences, Chung Shan Medical University
神經科+骨骼肌肉系統學 原著論文 第一名 Using Contrast-enhanced Ultrasound for Assessing Vascularity in Tendinopathy by Using A Rabbit Model
Ke-Vin Chang1, Chueh-Hung Wu2, Yu-Hui Ding1, Hsiu-Yu Shen1, Tyng-Guey Wang1, Wen-Shiang Chen1
1Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, National Taiwan University;2Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, National Taiwan University Hospital Yun-Lin Branch
第二名 Ultrasound Findings of Various Brain Tumors: The Evaluation of Brain Tumors with Intra-operative Ultrasound during Brain Tumor Surgery
Chien-Hua Chen, Chiung-chyi Shen, San-kan Lee
Taichung Veterans General Hospital
第三名 Association of Anthropometric Measurements with Components of Metabolic Syndrome and Carotid Intima-media Thickness in Young Healthy Individuals
Teng Yeow Tan
Section of Cerebrovascular Disease, Department of Neurology, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital-Kaohsiung Medical Center, Chang Gung University College of Medicine, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
病例報告 第一名 Spontaneous Shoulder Hemarthrosis in A Mildly Hemophilic Boy
Chia-Chuan Hsieh1, Tsung-ying Li2
1Department of Family Medicine & Community Health, Tri-Service General Hospital, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan2Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Tri-Service General Hospital, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan
乳房外科+內分泌+婦產科+腎臟泌尿科+周邊血管+耳鼻喉科 原著論文 第一名 First Trimester Combined Screening in Pregnancies with Chromosomal Translocation at 11–12 Weeks of Gestation
Po-Jen Cheng, Sheng-Wen Shaw, Chuan-Chi Kao, Shang-Yu Huang
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital and Chang Gung University College of Medicine, Linkou Medical Center, Taoyuan, Taiwan
第一名 Abnormal Renal Resistive Index in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Cheng-Yu Chen, Ta-Wei Hsu, Pan-Chyr Yang, Kuang-Yao Yang
National Yang-Ming University Hospital
第三名 Ultrasonic Venous Duplex Examination of Varicose Vein Over The Lower Limb: 65 Cases Experiences
Chang-Hsien Liu1, Bieng-Hsien Tzeng2, Ching-Jiunn Wu1, Chih-Yung Yu1, Wei-Chou Chang1, Guo-Shu Huang1
1Tri-Service General Hospital, Department of Radiology2Tri-Service General Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine
病例報告 第一名 Ultrasound-guided Small-gauge Core Biopsy in Advanced Laryngeal or Hypopharyngeal Tumors
Chun-Nan Chen1, 2, Tsung-Lin Yang2
1Department of Otolaryngology, National Taiwan University Hospital Hsin-Chu Branch2Department of Otolaryngology, National Taiwan University Hospital
心臟科 原著論文 第一名 Early Alteration of Left Ventricular Geometry Is Associated with Systemic Inflammation, Increased Metabolic Risk and Heart Failure Symptoms: A New Message from Old Measurement
Chung-Lieh Hung, Chi-In Lo, Chuan-Chuan Liu, Yih-Jer Wu, Charles Jia-Yin Hou, Cheng-Ho Tsai, Hung-I Yeh
Cardiovascular Division, Department of Internal Medicine, Mackay Memorial Hospital
病例報告 第一名 Cervical Aortica Arch Aneurysm Formation with Pseudocoarctation
Victor Chien-Chia Wu, Fen-Chiung Lin
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou Branch
第二名 Right Coronary Artery Aneurysmal Fistula with Abnormal Drainage into the Left Ventricle: Echocardiographic Diagnostic Images
Wen-Hwa Wang, Tao Yu Lee, Wu Ming-Ting
Kaohsiung vteran general hospital
第三名 Endomyocardial Fibrosis with Systemic Embolization – A Case Report
Chia-Hsiu Chang, Po-Ching Chou, Chih-Hui Chin
Cathay General Hospital
基礎醫學 原著論文 第一名 Focused Ultrasound with Microbubbles in Vivo Delivery of Neuroprotective Erythropoietin in Ischemia-reperfusion Induced Brain Injury
Sheng-Kai Wu, Ming-Tao Yang, Kai-Hsiang Kang, Houng-Chi Liou, Wen-Mei Fu, Win-Li Lin
Institute of Biomedical Engineering, College of Medicine and College of Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
第二名 Increased VEGF Secretion from Endothelial Progenitor Cells Post Ultrasonic VEGF Gene Delivery Enhances Proliferation of Endothelial Cells
Cheng-Huang Su, Chiung-Yin Chang, Cheng-Ho Tsai, Hung-I Yeh
Lab of Heart and Circulatory Physiology, Cardiovascular Division, Mackay Memorial Hospital